This Was One Day Worth Remembering in San Diego | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

All of Southern California was being treated to a fat northwest swell with breezy offshore winds. I headed to my favorite spot with a buddy in hopes of getting some clips for a new short film. But after making the hike down I realized I had left my tripod in the trunk of my car. I couldn’t stay mad for long though, as I watched set after set roll through South Peak. It was Moderately firing.
I shot from shore for about an hour and a half that day before the sunburn forced me into the shade. I hiked until I found some refuge from the sun and sat down. As I talked to an older couple about their Desert Point trip, a massive set building on the outside caught my eye. Scrambling for my camera, I was just in time to capture it peeling left and catching nearly the entire lineup inside. Plenty of surfers made their way down that cliff, asking me how the surf was. All I had to do was show them a frame from this set to send their froth through the roof.
It was definitely a day to remember.
