
"On the Colombian Pacific coast, in the Chocó region, the surfboard has replaced the psychoanalyst's couch. To heal the traumas of a violent past, young people are undergoing surf therapy. An action with a strong ecological dimension". Emmanuel Bouvet knows what he's talking about. Together with his wife Carine Camboulives and his 2 daughters, he travelled to two of Colombia's most remote and least visited regions: Guajira on the Caribbean coast and Chocó on the Pacific coast. Simply because surfing trips should not be just a round trip from the airport to the spots. 

Of course there are perfect waves lost in the jungle and windy lagoons in the middle of the desert, but it is above all exceptional initiatives in the field of sustainable development and social peace that Carine, Emmanuel and their two daughters share here with us. To meet those who, on a daily basis, protect our environment. 

A magnificent video about two French people who love the Earth and now live with their 2 daughters in Hawaii on a former water lily farm. Dive into the heart of a family passionate about the ocean, and convinced that the shortest way to yourself is to go around the world first. First stop: Colombia!

In addition to this video, the story told by Emmanuel Bouvet and illustrated with photos by Pierre Bouvas can be found in the latest Surf Session Magazine!

>> Video by David Georgeon
>> Photos by Pierre Bouras

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