
Reversed over your own surfboard in the drive? We’ve all done it…
Put a length of toilet paper up your bum at a party, lit the end and danced? We could name names…
But small beer, compared to Harrison Williams’ antics!
The 26-year-old Western Australian climbed onto a rotting whale carcass surrounded by sharks and ‘surfed’ the huge dead mammal after diving off his boat near Rottnest Island, off Perth, WA.
“One of my mates said it would be pretty funny to surf the whale, so I did it,” he told Seven News. “My parents think I’m an idiot.”
Undeterred, or perhaps even inspired by several several tiger sharks and a massive great white circling the carcass at the time, Williams seems to have a good grasp of newsworthy antics/viral web content fodder, but lesser awareness of some basic health and safety issues.
But this isn’t perhaps the worst thing Williams has been up to of late. It appears he is also trying to grow dreads, which can only be interpreted as a cry for help…
