Write for our blogs | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

We are always interested in publishing guest posts on wearesurfers blog .  If you have a story to share about Surfing, or a relevant event to announce, just email us at wearethesurfers@gmail.com and if it's relevant we'll be glad to post it.  The questions and answers below should help clarify the process:

What should I write about?

Anything related to Surfing. We are especially interested in projects that touch on multiple aspects of Surfing:  environmental impact, Photography,videos and engagement of the Surf

Who is the intended audience?

 people who are interested in Surfing, community  We don't assume that our audience has deep technical knowledge  but we do assume they have some ideas about the subject. We also want this blog to be as usable as possible for people speaking English as a second language, so please try to write at an 8th grade reading level.

How much do you want me to post?

If you just have one thing to say, we'll be happy to post it, and if you want to contribute regularly that's even better.  Each post should be short enough that most people would read it in one sitting - if that's not long enough for you to explore an idea properly, consider breaking it into a series of posts.

Should I include images? Do you have requirements for these images?

Images are not required, but they often explain things better than a long string of words. Images do not need to be print-quality, and they don't need to be your own, but you must have permission to use them, and if they are not yours you must credit the owner clearly. Readers should be able to safely assume that everything not explicitly credited is the author's original work.

Who owns my posts?

The author of a post retains ownership, but anything we publish will be covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license, which allows others to republish your work for non-commercial uses as long as they credit you as the author.

How will I be credited?

Every post by a guest blogger will have a line like "Guest post by Lao Tzu" added, and be tagged with the posters name, so that you will have a URL that lists all of your posts in one place,

How do I start?

Email us with a bit of information about yourself, and an idea of what you would  like to write. If we think it fits, we'll ask you to send a first post.