
Surfing is one of the most enjoyable exercises there is, especially for the enthusiasts of surfacewater sports. In this sport, the rider moves forward towards the shore with the flow of the wave.All of us are more or less aware of this water sport. However, only a bunch of us know the arrayof health benefits surfing brings along for the body and mind. By the time we finish reading thisarticle, that will no longer be a mystery. Let us read ahead to find fantastic health benefits ofsurfing for the body and mind.

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Helps tackle anxiety

The unconventional sport of surfing involves a great deal of physical activity. The thrill you
experience gives your spirit a sense of upliftment and substantially improves the mood. Besides,
immersing oneself in cold water while partaking in it helps release a batch of endorphins in the
body. A study suggests that surfing generates and sends electrical impulses to the brain. It
produces a similar effect as electroshock therapy and helps treat depression. Another reason
surfing has a positive impact on mental health is that it activates both the parasympathetic and
sympathetic nervous system.
The sedentary lifestyle we lead tends to exacerbate the problem of anxiety and depression.
Going for a session of surfing pumps blood into every part of the body, sends more oxygen to the brain, and makes one feel confident about themselves. Due to this quality, it can also
contribute to the treatment of autism and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Provides a dose of Vitamin D

Whenever you go out to surf, your body comes into direct contact with the sunlight. It enables
you to get a healthy dosage of natural source of vitamin D. Sitting in our offices all day, working
on a desk, deprives us of these crucial nutrients. Surfing can thus, help you attain exactly that.
The vitamin D that you get facilitates the absorption of calcium in the body. Therefore, the whole
process improves bone health and spurs the generation of new cells in the body.
However, it is best to apply sunscreen when you go out. It will protect your skin from the UV
rays that can be harmful to the skin.
Strengthens core
An excess weight near the abdomen area is highly harmful to health. According to the findings
of a study, an increase in visceral fat around the stomach causes the likelihood of the onset of
type 2 diabetes. It also poses a risk to the cardiovascular health of the body.
To lose unnecessary fat and strengthen the core, surfing can help a huge deal. It helps shed
away the unnecessary fat and flab, thereby enabling the body to achieve a toned body. Hence,
surfing acts as a high-intensity exercise that burns fat and builds muscle in the bodysimultaneously

Promotes back strength

Our entire body requires the back and spine to be able to carry out almost all of our daily
activities. Besides, long hours we spend on computers tends to harm the spine. This is where
the activity of surfing can be great for the body. It generates strong muscles in the back and
promotes flexibility of the spine. Some moves especially make the back stronger while surfing.
These include paddling, jumping on the board, and the prone position.
Those who love travelling can locate the places in the world they can surf. Hawaii, South Africa,
and Indonesia offer the best experiences when it comes to surfing. To locate the places you
intend to reach efficiently, you can make use of the scratch-off map of the world.

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Improves cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular health is essential to maintain the functionality of the body. It includes the
regulation of blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and circulation. Good heart
health enables the body pump oxygen throughout the parts of the body. Without this, the organs
of the body would face troubles in carrying out their functions appropriately.
Surfing provides a way for the body to partake in cardiovascular exercises. Since it is one of the
cardio exercises, it helps keep the body in shape and maintain fitness. As a result, the body
functions well, both physically and mentally. 

Enhances concentration

Surfing requires one to put their complete focus on the activity as the margin of error is
extremely low. It trains the mind to concentrate on the task at hand for more extended periods. It
also facilitates the individual to practise mindfulness, which is about being aware of one’s
surroundings and gracefully transcending yourselves from moment to moment.
Since surfing enables the mind to practice complete concentration, it promotes the body’s ability
to perform well at the tasks given to the person. Hence, surfing contributes to the addition of
value to the personality over time. It makes it a form of meditation for the body.

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Since this water sport requires one to balance strenuously, it improves the hand-eye
coordination of the person taking part in it. A study by the Southern Cross University in Australia
found that recreational surfing aids in the maintenance of balance, control, and coordination of
different parts of the body.
Surfing in itself is one of the most efficient exercises to burn calories. The above-said functions
of surfing make it not only an interesting activity but also a sport that promotes health. Hence,
indulge in this water sport whenever you get the chance to add up to wonderful experiences in
