
Corona and Parley for the Oceans have partnered to build a "waste wave" presented today at the Federation Square in Melbourne on World Ocean Day.
The facility, which 1,500 kilograms, is equivalent to the amount of plastic waste dumped into the oceans every day in Australia.

"Our advertisements usually emphasize the notion of natural paradise, beautiful and intact but today it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a beach without plastic. Through this project, we hope to reverse the trend. On this World Ocean Day, Corona wants to show the world its commitment to the protection of beaches and oceans," commented Corona Vice President Felipe Ambra.

On the Federation square, Corona installed a huge billboard on which Chris Hemsworth can be seen surfing a superb wave, juxtaposed with the waste wave. This installation echoes a study commissioned by Corona which reveals that 74% of Australians underestimate or have no idea how much plastic waste is dumped into the oceans every day.
