
An Australian was kiting near Flat Rock Beach in Ballina, New South Wales when a fierce fish tried to bite him. 

Passionate about surfing, the man barely paid attention to this incident thinking it was just a turtle, writes the UPI portal. It was only by looking at his board on the beach that he realized that this marine creature swallowed a piece of it by leaving one of his teeth there. 

The photos, shared on the Web, show the surfboard with a bitten piece in the back and a shark tooth stuck inside. The police found the surfer and were able to obtain the tooth so that it could be examined by experts. 

The analyses confirmed that the tooth came from a large white shark. With a maximum size of over 6 meters long, the great white shark is one of the largest predatory fish currently living in the oceans. 

It is considered a dangerous shark since it is responsible for attacks against men. The vast majority of these are non-lethal. Nevertheless, contrary to certain preconceived ideas, man is not prey to him. It has a very varied diet: pinnipeds, fish, sea turtles, cetaceans.

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