
As reported by SURFING, current world No. 1 surfer Mick Fanning is more than just an incredible surfer, he’s also a decent guy.
Fanning recently took time out of his schedule of fending off shark attacks and chasing world titles to give back to a teenage fan suffering from cancer.
Ben Beasley, 16, was diagnosed with brain cancer in March, and had gone through a chemo therapy round just a week before meeting up with Fanning. But that didn’t stop him from catching a few waves with Fanning.
“When I saw his face I was a bit scared for a second, I was tripping out because I didn’t know it was actually him,” Beasley said of his interaction with Mick. “It’s the best moment of my life.”
The meeting was facilitated by the nonprofit organization the Starlight Foundation, and reflecting on the day, Beasley’s mother was succinct in her praise of Fanning.
“He makes me proud to be Australian,” she said.
