Mother Nature in her Wildest Form | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

By now there's absolutely no chance that you're still oblivious to the colossal swell that showed up on Nazare's doorstep earlier in December.

Max Larsson made the journey from Sweden, to capture the wrath of Mother Nature as she provided the platform for some of the world's best to showcase their abilities in the biggest of the big stuff. These are his highlights from four days he spent documenting what proved to be a historic swell.

Backlit monster
© 2014 - Marcus Möller

Tell us a little about capturing the power and ferocity of Nazaré.
It was an amazing feeling to be able to capture Mother Nature in her wildest form. The mist of salt in the air combined with the soothing afternoon light was stunning. Slow-motion is a great way of showing this but at the same time it's good to mix it up with some fast shoots as well.

One of the reasons why Nazare is so beautifully documented is the landscape which surrounds it – creating endless possibilities for creative compositions
One of the reasons why Nazare is so beautifully documented is the landscape which surrounds it – creating endless possibilities for creative compositions
© 2014 - Marcus Möller

How long were you in Portugal for?
We arrived on the afternoon of the 11th, so unfortunately we missed the biggest waves.

But still saw some huge waves by the looks of things?
Absolutely. It was definitely the biggest waves I've ever seen with my own eyes. It was an unreal sensation because when we arrived the first day there were no surfers out in the water. It was hard to tell how big the waves actually were. Then the next day we had some surfers to relate to in the water and it was big. Really big
A ski on the shoulder ready to pull you to safety as you pull off the back – what more could a big wave surfer ask for?
A ski on the shoulder ready to pull you to safety as you pull off the back – what more could a big wave surfer ask for?
© 2014 - Marcus Möller

What camera set up were you using? it looked like a pretty serious rig.
A Sony FS700 and an Odyssey 7Q, then DJI Phantom 2 [drone] with a GoPro 4. The biggest lens we used were the canon 200-400mm f/4l is with 1.4x extender

How did the day at Supertubos compare with the big day at Nazare?
For me, Nazaré was the coolest thing to see. Supertubos was clean and also nice to see but we actually came only to shoot Nazaré.

The tow teams amongst some solid lines.
The tow teams amongst some solid lines.
© 2014 - Marcus Möller

There's always something eerie about sea mist blanketing large waves.
There's always something eerie about sea mist blanketing large waves.
© 2014 - Marcus Möller

You definitely wouldn't want to get caught in here on a day with any size.
You definitely wouldn't want to get caught in here on a day with any size.
© 2014 - Marcus Möller 
