
There is nothing better than a little surf trip in the sun while the others struggle to get out of their homes in the current weather. You have trouble putting on your suit, your hands are frozen and you often can't open your car anymore. If you read us from a deckchair in the sun, you have understood everything. If not, you must most likely be dying to leave the board under your arm and leave everything behind. We, therefore, offer you some basic arguments to warm you up and convince your future travel companions. 

1. The sun

Are you tired of this permanent greyness? Your body needs sunlight and this is scientifically proven. The lack of light and rays leads to a lack of vitamin D. This vitamin is released by the sun's rays and is essential for your immune system. 

Going skiing is cool, but we're not going to lie to each other, the trace of the glasses is still ridiculous!  So you might as well enjoy the sun to the end and get a tan.

2. No more big suit, slippers, and hood

Sunshine means heat! Leave aside for a moment your thick and heavy winter gear for the joys of the jersey (or 3/2). A much easier paddle will enhance your stay. You will feel it from the first strokes of the oar: a kind of lightness and ease of movement will make the session much more enjoyable.

3. Score spots you've never seen before and surpassed yourself!

We all know that going out of your comfort zone makes us surpass ourselves! No more home spot that you know by heart and that you surf as soon as there is a little swell. Discover new landscapes, beach breaks, point break or launch yourself for the first time on a reef.

4. Expand your knowledge of beer brands

You never miss the famous after-session beer. Taste the local flavors and broaden your panel. Don't overdo it anyway, because the next morning the waves won't be waiting for you. Although drinking beer can be done at home, it's always cooler on the beach.

5. Share beautiful pictures of you in your jersey on Instagram and make your friends rage

There's nothing better than a picture of you in the sun, on a beautiful wave doing a big maneuver or in a tube to prevent the absent friends that everything is going well.

Don't forget, at least one surf trip per year. We can't tell you enough! 

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