

It's a genius idea! Let's face it, Christmas meals can be very long... While we are happy to see the whole family again, the desire to take a swim is often felt after the first few hours of excitement. And leaving the table at 5pm for several days in a row is a guarantee to struggle to pass the bar during the next session. Fortunately, we thought of you! We found in the meanders of the net, a 4am video at The Wedge. A video with Christmas carols... Whose playlist is 100% free! (That is to say). Yes, you read it right, 4 hours.

This way, during the meal you can easily please grandparents and old aunts while discreetly watching the most beautiful waves of the 2018 version of the famous Californian spot. I promise you'll go unnoticed.

Be careful, it is not excluded that your in-laws may get tired of Christmas carols before you get tired of the video... That will then be the time of departure. Merry Christmas to all and let us know how long you've kept before you get grilled.... Hold at least until 2:00 am and 20 minutes for this session at sunset. Yes, we looked at everything. This is also our business. 

You are welcome :)

 >> Video by Jacuzzi Surfer
