
Mick Fanning seems to think there’s something wrong with Mick Fanning. “I don’t think I’m well,” he said. “I can go anywhere in the world. Boardshorts, whatever. But no, I come here.”
On the surface, one might think agree with the man. He’s passed up the annual North Shore duties this time of year to chase waves in a hooded wetsuit instead. But he’s actually done something pretty incredible in Norway, teaming up with photographers Emil Sollie and Mats Grimsæth who’d been brainstorming how and when to shoot somebody surfing under the Northern Lights. Their idea is two years in the making, with the photographers never imagining it all would come to life with a world champion as their talent.
“To shoot a picture of surfing under the Northern Lights, there are so many elements that have to come together at the same time,” Sollie says. “Technically, this is one of the hardest pictures to capture.”
As you an see, they came back with something pretty amazing.
