Keala Kennelly, Emi Erickson, and Laura Enever Injured During Inaugural Pe’ahi Women’s Challenge | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

One minute you’re surfing your way to the final, and the next you’re being rolled through the Maui ER into an MRI scan. Keala Kennelly is a tough chick, and it’s no surprise that all that’s on her mind is wishing she could surf the final of the inaugural Pe’ahi Women’s Chaallenge. But she’s in good company; in the next room is big wave surfer Emi Erickson, also admitted today for a knee injury.
They are both in good spirits at the Maui ER, getting MRIs, and wishing they could surf in the final.
WSL Big Wave Tour Medical Director Terry Farrell believes Keala’s knee is pretty bad with a ligament tear, maybe more. Emi is possibly looking at a ligament tear as well. Yet, they both have smiles on their faces. And that true test of character makes for a better story.
Laura Enever also sustained a knee sprain today during her heat. Super strong women these gals! They’re all watching the webcast with the doctors and nurses!
