Watch Mikey “Houdini” Wright Make This Un-freaking-believable Barrel at Snapper | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

Mikey is the quintessence of the expression “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” The younger sibling of World Tour superstars, Tyler and Owen Wright, Mikey has made a name for himself for having the most wicked mullet in surfing and doing un-freaking-believable maneuvers. Like that one time he fell in Indonesia doing a backside snap and made the most ridiculous recovery you’ve ever seen.
This barrel comes to you from Australia’s Gold Coast, where Mikey sits inside a divine little tube at Snapper Rocks that runs for over a football field long. And just when you think there’s no possible way he’s going to make it, Mikey comes flying out of the barrel like a goddamn magician. Ladies and gentlemen, Mikey “Houdini” Wright.
