
Looking for a healthy breakfast? Take it from Kelly. Literally.
Turning pro at 18 years old, Kelly has never packed shelves or worked behind a cash register. We thought it was high time he did, so we put him to work.

Donning an apron, and taking his place behind the Chia Shop counter, Kelly spent the morning sharing Chia Pods with North Shore locals.

A passionate advocate for knowing what you’re eating, Kelly understands the direct connection between his diet and his performance as an athlete. Kelly eats chia every day, and he reads the ingredient panel of everything he buys: “I think it’s hugely important. I couldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to read that and know what’s going in their body.”

We reached out to Kelly after seeing him post an image of his breakfast on Instagram – chia seeds and coconut milk. Our Founder and CEO John Foss invited him to visit our chia farms in Western Australia to learn about the science of growing chia, and our commitment to sustainable farming.  Inspired by John’s vision to make a positive impact on public health by making chia available around the world, Kelly joined our mission to bring Chia Pod to the world.

Watch Kelly's Chia Shop video
