Health Benefits Of Living Close To The Ocean | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

Living close to the ocean has amazing health benefits. More studies show an increasing number of people are moving near the ocean or close to it to bask in the healing effects that being near the ocean promotes. It uplifts, heals, and makes ones overall health scientifically proven to be positively beneficial to ones health, mood, energy of mind and physical wellness. Numerous studies have shown that people who were just asked to view posters of the ocean scenes had an amazing increase in positive energy as well as clearer thinking, feelings of peace, and feelings of overwhelming success. Just by viewing images clearly show the health benefits of living close to the ocean.

Studies have also shown how the ocean encourages healing and the reversal of many diseases, physically and mentally. When subjects who were ill were given time by the ocean every day, showed improved behavior as well as their physical ailments virtually decrease. Benefits also come in the way of the oxygen by the ocean. Not only are the breezes by the ocean purifying and refreshing, but they have the ability to take away all the toxins in the air as well as import fresher air to the land area by the currents of wind located only over the open seas. The air quality is notably more cleaner than in areas where there are not any oceans at all.
It’s also a fact that many people who have reached middle age to elderly have been moving to the ocean areas for well over fifty years. After a life full of well living and old age, many find solace in the ocean and its rejuvenating abilities healing for ones physical and mental state. The warmer climates near the oceans in summer encourage helping symptoms of arthritis as well as joint aches and muscle strains. Many who suffer dementia and bipolar disorders are helped tremendously by simply being near the ocean. The feeling the ocean front gives you is the ability to feel you live in an exotic dream vacation spot right in front of your eyes at your own home. That alone makes people feel special, blessed, and promotes positive emotions on a daily basis. No need for vacations anymore.

Living near the ocean is promoted now more than ever by scientists and professionals in the health field. It’s a way to heal disease, strengthen minds, and promote life and longevity which is why buying a waterfront home in Bay Colony is so appealing today. There are some luxury houses still left on the market. You should get one while you can. Professional Realtor Susan Rindley would generously love to help you find your dream home, in a dreamy location, that would best fit your lifestyle, needs and finances.
