
Have you ever seen those people that take their snowboards out to sand dunes and rip around like they’re nipple deep in Alaska? It’s kind of rubbish, isn’t it. Don’t get us wrong, hooning around on sand beats not getting any turns in at all, but it’s just a bit lame looking. Like the kid at school who write ‘ Nike’ on the side of his holdall.

But what if you swap snowboards for bodyboards? That’s exactly what these guys did in New Zealand, and we have to say, it looks sick! The guys don’t limit themselves to just the cutdown surf boards. They throw themselves around on air beds, lilos, inflatable aeroplanes, and former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Okay, we may have made one of them up

Despite the twee inde-folk soundtrack that makes the edit sound a little like EVERY SINGLE CIDER ADVERT ON TV, this all looks like a hell of a lot of fun. If only we had a bit of sunshine, and the odd sandy hill to fly down here in the UK.

How much a flights to NZ again…? Don’t worry, if you can’t quite find the cash for the plane, the video is in 4k Hyper HD, so if you have plenty of internet in stock, crank it up and it’s virtually like you’re there.
