
Laird from the air. Photo #timmckenna

Big swell heading for Chopes Thursday Friday, but the break has been closed due to filming of the Point Break sequel.

Raimana Van Bastolaer, the man at Chopes, said “If there hadn’t been the Billabong Pro during that window we would be done already, but instead they are doing it on this swell, which could be a little bigger than we saw during the contest. It’s giving a lot of local people work, like when the contest comes, so we are happy to host the film crew, work with them and help them get what they need. If we nail it and are finished quickly, we will open the break back up but until that time the local authorities will be clearing the lineup and enforcing the closure on Thursday and Friday. We are continuing to monitor the swell and encourage people to still come and surf in Tahiti. There are a lot of other spots that will be firing during this swell, only Teahupoo will be off limits for these two days, and we want to get the word out now and let people know what’s happening so they can plan accordingly.

Dylan Longbottom, Laurie Towner, Billy Kemper and Albee Layer will be performing the stunts in swell predicted to be bigger than the Billabong Pro and a tow only affair.
