4 Things to Do to Have Award-Winning Surf Pictures | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

Photography or what is called the art of taking pictures is something enjoyable for the one who takes them as well as the one who looks at them too. The photographers would surely love to search for the proper angle and the right lighting for them to get those breath-taking photos while those who are to watch them would like to observe, be mesmerized with its uniqueness and come up with their own interpretations of some hidden meanings.

Photography can be a hobby of anyone and it can be learned by anyone as well. Normally starters would start with photos of flowers and scenery since it would be easy to choose angles but what about taking pictures for sports events? Since all these have moving subjects, have you ever thought as well about taking surf pictures during surfing competitions? If you are the type who likes taking surf pictures then here are four easy tips which you can use to take award winning shots not just in surfing but in photography in general.
First is that 99% of quality is based on the lighting; when you take shots do it at the right time of day, which is during early sunlight, since most great surf pictures are taken at this exact time. Sunsets can be a great time for taking pictures as well since you can easily have a silhouette of a surfer and make it more artistic. During cloudy days when the sun is overcast, you can set your camera to black and white. Color can be dull during overcast so it's much better to have them taken out. Remember that the sun is a photographer's best friend.
Equipment comes second, good cameras mean great pictures but they don't have to be expensive. There are good quality cameras that come with a reasonable price tag. When you want to get into the water and take surf pictures in great detail or just to have a piece of the action then you must provide a good housing for your cam to prevent it from being soaked in water.

Third, you can still take lovely shots in the shore. Just walk around and look for a great spot with a great angle. You can opt for wide shots and not merely zooming in. Take something in the foreground such as a tree, person or anything to set focus on the surfer standing in the background.

Lastly, nothing beats practice; when taking surf pictures timing is significant. You should be at the right time and place for you to take great shots of a surfer. In order to achieve this you need to have a lot of practice. Then continue to take shots and consistently look at your own work and see if you like them. Think about how you can take even better shots. With digital photography now in its boom, pictures are so easy to take, so you might as well try it.
