
Ever wondered what is best for a pre-surf snack? You’ll need something packed full of energy, healthy and recommended by your local sports science institute – or so you’d think. Our in-depth study on the topic (well, a bit of canvas over on the forum) reveals that this is mostly nonsense!
The two most popular snacks for pre and post surf are real opposites and not really that much of a surprise, although one of them does seem to have a UK / cold water slant. The top snack is banana – a good source of carbohydrates and protein, a great energy snack (and from what we have been hearing it’ll ward off cramps while you are out there). The other is tea.
There is a wide range of personal preferences and mostly it’s all about personal taste!
The Top Surf Foods List
These are some of the foods that surfers favor pre and post-surf and apart from the first two are in no particular order.
  • Bananas
  • Tea (regular, green and Yorkshire tea)
  • Chocolate / high energy snacks
  • Burritos
  • More Tea
  • Pasties (various)
  • Dried Fruit
  • Crisps (potato chips)
  • Isotonic Drinks
  • All Day Breakfast (preferable after a surf!)
  • Hot Dogs
  • Coffee (various)
  • Sandwiches (homemade, fish finger, tomato sauce)
One of the most popular post-surf snack preferences was beer.
So there you have it, one of the most comprehensive articles on what the average surfer eats. Thanks to our exhaustive collection you now know what you should be eating… Surf safely now!

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