
Much has been said about Filipe Toledo and his apparent weakness in the big waves. In any case, we can no longer blame him for his lack of commitment.
Indeed while he could be at home in California and try to win $40,000 by winning a third US OPEN in four years, the world ranking leader is currently in Tahiti.

Aware of the opportunity he has to win his first world title at the end of the year, the Brazilian decided to arrive at Teahupoo two weeks before the WCT event to work on his tube-riding backside. And you could say he stuck to it.

Of course, it can't always pass and at some point, you have to pay the bills. Being locked up at the end of an intermediate wave, Toledo fell on the dry reef and put some nasty farts on his left arm and back. Nothing too serious, apparently, for Filipe: "a little ointment and I'm ready for the next one".

In any case, the locals seem to have appreciated his commitment since Michel Bourez gave him some placement advice to score these long tubes inside, and Matahi Drollet was pleased to disinfect his wounds with lime!
