Here are top 5 animal surfers to celebrate International Surf Day | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

This weekend, Saturday to be precise is International Surf Day. An opportunity to pay tribute to the environmental causes (and in particular ocean pollution) dear to all surfers. All surfers. Because it's not just men who can get on a board. Proof by five, plus a bonus.

The dog

A huge classic even, since one of them became a star in Biarritz. Al, a Jack Russell, often hangs out on the Basque coast and, for example, won a competition in Vieux-Boucau, in the southwest, in 2014. And in the United States, canine surfing competitions have existed since 2006. In short, no doubt that dogs can surf.

The swan

They don't even need a board, swans are born surfers. Well, at the same time, they float better than wood and can fly, which greatly simplifies take off. And even if the ocean is not their natural habitat, they feel, in a rather surprising way, rather well the waves. A good point for swans.

The sheep

In England, somewhere in Cornwall, a bunch of friends working for a clothing brand ("who designs functional and durable products for those who love the sea", we read on their Wikipedia page) thought it would be a good idea to surf a sheep to promote their business. After all, why not. As long as no sheep are hurt... And even if the animal in question has some difficulty navigating, it does not seem too uncomfortable on its board.

The Pig

Born in surfers' paradise, Kama the Hawaiian pig was destined to get on a board. It is, in any case, the idea which germinated in the spirit of its passionate master of surfing. The result, filmed in the first person by a GoPro, is not disgusting, even if Kama seems more comfortable with his nose in the sand than in the water.

The mouse

Here, we are simply touching on the implausible. And yet... A boat builder and mouse farmer in Australia did it. He explains to the British Metro that mice are more comfortable in the water than you might think: "First I teach them to get on a board in a bathtub. And when they're more confident, I teach them to surf. I only do this because I know they're safe. It's much more exciting for them than living their whole lives in a cage." Exciting may not be the right word...

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