We’ve all had those moments where we feel the overwhelming urge to check and then re-check something. We either space out or forget if we already looked, and so we double check on it just to make sure. It’s normal and natural, unless you are constantly and compulsively repeating the behavior and thoughts to the point that you become obsessed with it.
That type of uncontrollable obsessing over things and repeating certain activities or thoughts in your mind can end up having a negative impact on your life and sanity. It also points to you likely having more serious issue, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is a mental disorder where those who suffer from it perform rituals and activities in specific ways that make sense in their minds, but to normal people it just seems strange or off. It’s estimated that over 3.3 million American adults have OCD at any given time, with men and women equally affected. There are many different compulsions, signs, and symptoms associated with having the disorder but one of the most common ones is perfectionism.
Perfectionists are quick to notice all of the small details that most others would either overlook or completely miss altogether. It’s like they have laser vision in the way that they’re able to hone in on the smallest flaws or mistakes, no inaccuracy gets past them. They pay extremely close attention to everything and so they often double or triple check stuff in order to avoid even the possibility of missing something important.
While only a doctor can determine and diagnose you with OCD, there are other ways to explore and see how OCD you may be. This quiz is one of them. It looks at how your eyes, brain, and mind evaluate certain images and examines how you experience different levels of disorder. If you don’t have OCD then practically all of the shapes that follow in this quiz will appear to be identical. Even so, one of them is different in either shape, color, or position, so try your eyes at it now and see how sensitive your OCD radar is!
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