Why Moms Shouldn’t Worry When We Chase Hurricane Surf | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

Hurricane season on the East Coast is something you either dread or welcome. And that fact is exclusively owed to wether or not you surf. With weather advisories everywhere you turn it’s no wonder most people bunker down and prepare to keep their homes and families in one piece.
Hurricane Joaquin left behind enough damage in the Bahamas that people will be left recovering for months. Two deaths were linked to heavy rainfall in the Carolinas with flash floods and strong gusts of wind that toppled trees. So like we said, it’s justified that our family and friends worry  when we see the word “hurricane” and start licking our chops. But we’re surfers; the call is too strong to ignore and we’re a really, really selfish bunch. So the only consolation we can offer when mom calls to fill us in on the latest weather advisories (because somehow we wouldn’t be in the loop already) is “Don’t worry, Mom. We’re fine.”
