
Two surfers have set out on a mission to capture the greatest the surfing shot ever taken.
So far, it seems like a job well done.

Last Friday, surfers Mark Mathews and Taj Burrow went to The Right in Western Australia, a legendarily large wave, with the aim of capturing what it was like to surf under a huge volume of cascading water.
With Burrow going ahead and Mathews following from behind with a camera, the plan was to simply film Burrow riding The Right.

According to Red Bull, who are releasing a mini-doc this month on the story, the Right is the last wave in the world that has yet to be paddled, but because of its size, it is perfect for two people to surf through and capture the perfect shot.

However, in this video, despite the stunning video it produced, the shot did not go to plan. While on a number of waves Mathews and Burrow managed to get a decent image, on this one Mathews was swallowed by the wave as he trailed Burrow.

Mathews suffered a scratch to the face and a ruptured eardrum. Despite this, the video produced is simply staggering.

Apparently Burrow had wanted to ride the wave by himself at first just to warm up, but Mathews had not allowed him. Mathews told Stab Magazine, which is working with Red Bull on the project, that he said to Burrow: "The one I see you ride from the channel is the one I don’t get the shot on."
