
Nazare went XXL at the weekend and Andrew Cotton and filmer Mikey Corker were there alongside Will and Cliff Skudin, Tom Butler, Sebastian Steudtner and Kealii Mamala, to tow a few mountains and document them for your entertainment.
We asked Cotty a few questions, including if he had his tape measure out as he was bumping down the flank of the beast.

How big are you calling that session?
No idea, [laughs] just big! Wave size confuses the hell out of me. When we were out there I didn't think it was that big but when I was watching from the beach I was like Holy shit it's massive!

Any that look bigger than Garrett's world record, what do you reckon?
That's always the question on everyone's lips. I'm sure you could compare loads of waves from the session to Garrett's it's certainly close. I've thought I've had bigger waves than his world record wave before but at the end of the day that's down to the XXL judges to decide and clarify. Glad I haven't got their job.

Can you describe the beatdown, that looked horrendously heavy...
The wipeout from the wave I surfed was pretty mellow, I inflated my vest though. As I surfaced I had about enough time to deflate before the next wave hit me. It hit really hard, probably the hardest I've been hit. My right arm got hyper extended with the impact which was pretty painful .

When people call it a mush burger do you want to explain how it really feels to them? I see that Skudin specifically references that point in the vid.
There's no point in trying to explain to be honest, you've just gotta come and witness the set up and see for yourself. Everyone who does is blown away.

Whats the vibe like out there?
Pretty focused, everyone's there because they want to charge big waves. Pushing each other to the max but at the same time watching over each other so we can do it as safely as possible. Great to be a part of these sessions.

Some of the waves from the session looked a little steeper than the fatter ones we've been used to seeing, what does Nazare need to generate top-to-bottom waves at this size?
I'm beginning to understand more how the swell direction effects the swell at Nazare, and I'd say that was all down to the west swell. We weren't getting this crossed up giant peaks instead it was more solid powerful lines coming out the canyon.

Can you describe your Nazare journey to this point in only a few words?
It's been amazing and without a doubt pushed my big wave surfing to the next level. Feel really lucky to have the opportunity to be a part of it.

Are you focussing your winter on Nazare specifically?
No I wanted to spend less time in Nazare this winter but it's tough to, every swell is different and gets you coming back for more. But I do hope to get out to Jaws this winter and hopefully Mavs and try and paddle into some bombs.

*FYI audience this is just the news cut for the return of the Behind the Lines series which is back for a new series of Mikey Corker documenting Cotty chasing waves. The main edits will be slick colour corrected wonders we hear.
