
If you like cinematographic surf movies or you are nostalgic for the 1970s film "Morning of the Earth", directed by Albert Falzon, then chances are you will fall under the spell of Torren Martyn's latest film. 

"Thank You Mother" is none other than a cinematic journey of surfing, simplicity, and appreciation of life. It is a film that is not afraid to be elegant and sincere. A film told by Australian director Albert Falzon, who directed the film "Morning of the Earth" in 1970.

Thank You Mother' started with the creation of a surfboard and the art of surfing. A film about the connection between an exceptional surfer like Torren Martyn, and his shaper Simon Jones. A film about creativity, friendship, sharing and pleasures of surfing. And Torren Martyn is no longer to be introduced. The elegant surfer has made a name for himself by surfing with style a whole range of twins, from 5'4 to 7'9. Boards all designed by his friend shaper Simon Jones. 

Shot in South Africa, Indonesia, and Australia, Ishka Folkwell's film takes an original and clever approach to filmmaking, which aims to capture the essence of the places visited and bring them to life on screen. Torren Martyn slides with style and power over a musical score that seems to follow his every move. It is impossible to miss the connection between the surfer, the shaper, the filmmaker and the musician.

With humility and charisma, the entire team offers viewers the keys to a life of wonder. Where to find happiness through altruism and friendship, rather than through money and ego. A reflection on life, in images and music, and whose film should be released very soon. 

In the meantime, here's the teaser!

>> Produced by Torren Martyn and Ishka Folkwell
