
Surfing is a lot of things. It’s a tonic for the soul, a comfort for the uncomfortable, a soothing tune for the savage beast. It’s a way to look inside yourself without thinking about looking, it’s a respite from the mind-numbing tedium of the everyday.
Desillusion Magazine created the short film you see above. “You Only Tell the Truth in the Dark is an inspirational short movie directed by Sebastien Zanella – Desillusion Magazine – illustrating a vision of surfing rarely seen,” reads the description. “An ode to solitude, introspection and waves pursuit, miles away from the usual « sea, sex & surf » clichés.”
Aliotti and Zanella packed a van and took off on a 3000 km surf trip down the Chilean coast, heading through the Atacama Desert, into Santiago, and ending in Arica.
“The loneliness atmosphere expressed here is a romantic, pastoral attitude which inspires us to leave culture and technology behind,” the description continues, “and to rediscover nature through surfing, an exploration beyond social conventions.”
