
Save The Waves Coalition launched a campaign to prevent US presidential candidate Donald Trump from building a massive seawall in Doughmore Beach, western Ireland.
The controversial businessman wants to build a 2.8-kilometer, 15-foot tall wall in a sensitive coastal dune system to protect his Trump Golf Resort from climate change. The rock barrier will cost 10 million euros (11.2 million dollars) to erect.

"Doughmore Beach is one of western Irelands most consistent beach breaks and widely popular with a deep community of surfers and beachgoers," explains Nick Mucha, director of programs at Save The Waves Coalition.

"Construction of this seawall will destroy the sand dune habitat, restrict public access, negatively impact the quality of the surfing waves, and ultimately result in beach loss."

The "Endangered Wave" campaign calls upon each of you to help stop this misguided disaster. Dumping 200,000 tons of rock on the Carrowmore Dunes will threaten the rare prehistoric snail, vertigo angustior, and will violate a renowned ecological treasure that has been named a ‘Special Area of Conservation’ by the European Union Special Habitats Directive.

Doughmore Beach is one of the most famous surf spots in the region. The surf activists say Donald Trump's Irish seawall will also destroy the offshore sandbars that make it an idyllic surf heaven.

Sand dune systems are always changing, and that's part of their nature. They interact with the winds, swells, and coastal vegetation to create a balanced local environment. Disrupting these processes could have profound and irreversible impacts in the region.

In February 2014, Trump dumped boulders along the public beach at Doughmore without previous authorization from the local authorities, and was forced to cease his illegal constructions. But he is now seeking special permission from the Clare County Council to go ahead with his plans.

A final decision will be announced in December 2016.
