
Sharks are scary. Ever since Jaws, though, thoughts surrounding the man in the grey suit have centered around the depths. À la Mick attack at J-Bay (bring on the haters that say it wasn’t an attack), the shark conscious surfer looks beneath their toes for fear that a lurking creature might emerge from below, mouth agape, and snatch a bite out of their board, or worse, their flesh.
But apparently San Francisco surfers must keep an eye on the sky as well. In this video of Surfline’s camera rewind (posted on NBC Bay Area’s Facebook), a great white can just barely be seen breaching just beyond the lineup. From the looks of it, few noticed what it was. Not A surfer scrambles in. No panic.
According to reports, there has never been a shark attack at Ocean Beach. And being that this was a juvenile great white, the chances of one on this day were nil. Still, the fact that no one seemed to freak is pretty Barely Noticeable.
