
Barrels are the holy grail of surfing. If you surf–whether or not you’ve actually been barreled or not–you want to get tubed. It’s a funny thing, though. Surfing, like most things, takes a certain amount of do-it-yourself. Sure, someone can tell you’re supposed to do, but the only real way to learn is to figure it out yourself. But a couple of tips from a legend like Rob Machado sure won’t hurt.
It’s a lot like anything else: it all starts at the beginning. “Any wave that you’re going to get really tube on all starts with your positioning and how you execute a good take off and bottom turn,” he says. “That sets up if you’re going to be successful or not.”
So listen up, kids. Here are Rob Machado and Mike Parsons explaining all the little things that go into basically going straight through a water tunnel.
