Jack Johnson and Kelly Slater Jamming At The Beach Will Brighten Your Day | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

Sure, when we think of health we think of the more concrete elements of our life. We think of what we eat. How we exercise. What we do to take care of our bodies. However, health doesn’t stop there. Health also incorporates intangibles as well: how we feel, how we think, and ultimately, whether we’re happy or not. These things affect our bodies too, and it’s important to find ways to cultivate happiness in our lives.
I don’t know about you, but this May Gray has been wearing on my happiness. I woke up this morning to another gray, misty morning with no sunshine in sight. The best cure? Music. Especially when it corporates surfer/musician Jack Johnson and 11x world champ Kelly Slater. This is just absolute gold right here. Watch, listen, be happy. Your body and brain will thank you for it.
