
There must be something in the water. The ocean is indisputably a place of healing, a spiritual cleanser, a refuge for lost souls. Bad day at work? Go surf, you’ll feel better. Got a lot on your mind? Think about it in the water. For many surfers, the therapeutic nature of the ocean is one of the top reasons to be drawn to the sport.
So it’s no surprise that the salty medicine would be introduced to those who really need it. Enter TheraSurf, a group of surfers and do-gooders committed to helping special needs kids through the joy of surfing. And what a perfect cause for pro surfers and surf brands to support as a way of sharing what they love while giving back, too.
RVCA and Danny Fuller are now onboard with a signature pair of boardshorts (which are quite rad). For every pair sold, $1 will be donated to TheraSurf. Check the video above to hear more about the initiative and also see Fuller getting a tandem screamer at Malibu with one of the children in the program. The boy’s stoke is infectious.
