
Are surf leashes a matter of style or safety? When surfers are hit by loose surfboards, the debate on using leg ropes arises again. There is only one way, though. Use it.

Longboarders tend to embed the spirit of "ropeless riding" in their DNA. It's cool, it's traditional, it's pure and it's trendy. Let's take a look at what they usually say about surf leashes:

"Longboarders should never use leashes."
"I don't need one, I never lose my board."
"If it's a sandy beach, I’m not putting a cord on."
"Leg ropes are dumb, all surfboards were invented without leg ropes."
"It's a personal choice, you don't need one if you can surf."
"Boards have gotta be single-fin and without leashes."
"I can go out and be confident I'm not going to lose my board".
"If you lose your board, you have to swim and collect it and think about why you lost it."
Surf leashes were introduced in the world of surfing in the 1970s. It is still an intelligent invention, whether you're a pro surfer or a an absolute beginner.

Despite being wrongly named "kook cords", these surf ropes have avoided thousands of injuries, in the last 50 years. Take a look at five reasons why you should definitely get that polyurethane cord around your ankle.

1. Surf leashes may save your life. You're tired and getting pounded. A rip current has taken you to unwanted spots. Stay cool and connected to your surfboard. It will keep you afloat.

2. A leg rope will prevent your surfboard from hitting and injuring other surfers. Do you want to be responsible for inflicting severe injuries on someone else? Wearing a leash is an act of civility.

3. A surf cord will make you surf more. If every time you make a mistake you have to swim back to the beach to get your surfboard, you won't surf 10% of what you could if you'd attached the rope to the stick.
4. Leg ropes allow you to leave the surfboard for emergency duck dives. A dangerous set approaches and you can't make a proper duck dive. Leave your surfboard behind and submerge your body as deep as you can.

5. Why do 99% of surfers use surf leashes? Style isn't everything.
