Gabriel Medina’s 10-Point Single Air: Maneuver of the Year? | We Are Surfers GuidePedia

Most surfers on tour will tell you there are very, very few moments in which a claim is warranted. For example, Kelly’s full rotation in New York in 2011 (claimed), John John’s alley oop in Bali in 2013 (claimed), and Julian Wilson’s alley oop in Portugal in 2013 (kind of claimed). Today, Gabriel Medina was added to this list.
During his round four matchup with Owen Wright and Wilko, Gabs completed a maneuver he’s calling “maybe the biggest air I’ve ever done.” It was astronomical. Unbelievable even. Commentators were calling it the “biggest the maneuver of the year” and “one of the biggest airs in competition, hands down.” And after seeing it again and again, we have no choice but to agree. Our minds are officially blown. Here’s what the giddy champ had to say about his noble feat.
