
What Surfers Mean…

“I spend 90 per cent of my time drowning in the white water.”

beginner surfer

What Surfers Say…

“I’ve surfed California, Hawaii, Indo, Australia, Tahiti…”

Photo: Stock

What Surfers Mean…

“I rented a board in each of these places and failed to stand up on a single unbroken wave.”


What Surfers Say…

“I only go out if it’s at least double overhead…”

surfing double overhead

What Surfers Mean…

“I’ll go out, get scared shitless and wipeout the whole way back to shore.”

What Surfers Say…

“Hawaii is over-rated…”


What Surfers Mean…

“I can’t afford to go to Hawaii. Ever.”

man crying

What Surfers Say…

“I totally do not pee in my wetsuit…”


What Surfers Mean…

“I always pee in my wetsuit.”


 What Surfers Say…

“I took this shot on my GoPro. I’m thinking of becoming a freelance surf photographer.”

surf photography

What Surfers Mean…

“I took about a thousand snaps, most of them turned out like this…”


 What Surfers Say…

“We’re going to do a surf road trip this summer through France and northern Spain.”

Photo: Cal Jelley

What Surfers Mean…

“We’re going to France to hide out inside our van, which covered with beer cans and damp sleeping bags, while it pisses it down with rain because the surf is flat.”

rain car

What Surfers Say…

“Yeah, I have tonnes of boards – my favourite is a vintage 1960s single fin longboard.”

Photo: Etsy

What Surfers Mean…

I bought this on eBay because it was the only one I could afford

surfboard ebay

 What Surfers Say…

“You should have been here yesterday…”

namatu fiji surfing

What Surfers Mean…

“No, really, you should have been here yesterday.”

