
Indo means a lot of things to a lot of people. For some, it’s simply your best bet of scoring perfect waves. For others, it’s where their mates are going. For others still, it’s simply cheap, warm, exotic and massagey. But whatever your reason to go to Indo, it’s a good one. Coz everyone needs more Indo in their lives. With it being the season n’ that, we sat down and thought about the  Best Indo Wave To Surf Before You Die.

Lance’s Right

Indo Gold. Photo: Frieden/A-Frame


History:Death factor:Why you must surf it?Logistics:Performers:Season/Swell

The wave natural footers would give their left gonad too. A picture perfect six second tube, usually bathed in a golden glow and wrapping into a tranquil bay.

Australian Lance Knight stayed on the island for weeks in the early ‘90s found the wave, just prior to Martin Daley and the Indies Trader rocking up. When the Mentawais went viral a few years later, Lance’s Right was at the centre of it all.

The end section is not called The Surgeon’s Table for nothing, and above six foot a heavy double up comes into play, but at four to six foot, this is as much fun as Indo tubes get.
How many photos do you need to drool over?
A number of land camps have sprung up, making Lance’s camping look primitive, although you can still stay in homestays with the friendly local villages. The boat trip option is the other way. Crowds exist, but Lance’s Right has a few moods and it’s possible to get early and late sessions to yourself, especially out of peak season.

Slater and Dorian have had some epic duels here, but like Maccas, every pro surfer over the last 20 years has scored here. And with such a ridiculously easy tube, even the kooks can come out claiming.
Peak season, May to October, is the most consistent, but the light winds in the off season can provide epic days. It needs winds from the north, but if it swings, Lance’s Lefts on the other side of the island ain’t bad either.
