
Have you ever noticed that there's something magical and something special about the ocean? We're drawn to it like bears to honey. Ever since I took my first dip in the ocean when I was just a young boy I've loved the ocean and dream about hitting the waves all year long especially when winter hits. I've never been a fan of the cold or the snow and I live in one of the best states for skiing.

I was able to visit Hawaii for the first time about 3 years ago and discovered just how awesome the ocean can be. The water there is so clear, warm and has some of the best waves for surfing and skimboarding in the world.

Oceans have an immense amount of energy and power. They can be as calm as a church mouse or as deadly as the black plague. I think one reason people are drawn to the ocean is the feeling you get the minute you dive into the water. You can instantly feel it's power and instantly respect all it's power and beauty. This is definitely one reason that surfers are so addicted to surfing and will give up everything they have and own just to be able to hit the waves everyday. Surfing is a lifestyle, religion and a way of life for surfers, it's what they live for everyday that they're alive. Now that's pretty powerful, there's only a few other sports that I know of that people have that much love for.

If you ever get a chance I recommend going to Hawaii and witnessing the surf culture there. No where else I know of has more serious surfers than Hawaii. Once you visit there you'll see why and what I mean.
Have fun, go out and hit the waves.

