
The UK weather is nothing to ever rave about. 2008 has bought about some of the worst weather I think I have ever seen. When I thought that last year was bad I had no idea that we would only receive about three days of nice weather. What is going on? Are the affects of global warming becoming a clear factor for the weather here in the UK? That I don't know but either way it was absolutely miserable here this summer. Average daily temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees above average in August this year which is pretty abysmal. I only got to go away once this year and that just wasn't enough.

Other than being completely miserable with the weather here and writing articles on it ;-) I like surfing. Surprisingly, the UK is not half bad for surfing. I travel down to the South of England a lot to go surfing with my friends and the waves down there are perfect. So maybe this is one good thing to come out of the horrible UK weather! As well as surfing I decided to get into kite surfing this year which is the same principle as something like wakeboarding but you are pulled along by a kite. What I didn't know is that the South of England at a place called, Goring is a world-wide hot spot for kiting. Many people kite down there including world champion, Aaron Hadlow. I couldn't believe my luck! With the English weather being so bad and windy it made perfect conditions for the sport. I loved it straight away! The feeling of jumping so high on the water is un-explainable. If you were thinking about taking up the sport there are plenty of resources and forums which tell you where to go to get all the gear you will need.

Kite surfing itself is growing so fast. There are hundreds of people who are taking up the sport every day. The industry is booming. If you live in the UK you have perfect conditions to start learning as it is so windy all the time! It is the easiest way to forget about the grim and unforgiving British weather. I actually wake up in the morning hoping that the weather is windy so I can go out and kite! So there you have it a solution to the bad weather, take up kite surfing or surfing!
