
Surf style is not something that can be bought in a mall, as much as major surfing brands would lead you to believe. Surf style is something that a surfer acquires over a great deal of time, as their knowledge and prowess with the sport if surfing advances. The main element associated with surf style is originality. There is, however, a detailed regimen you can follow and implement into aspects of your life in order to curate and prefect your own personal surf style.

Develop Your Own Style

Here, style is not meant in regards to clothing. Style incorporates the aspect of your own personal surfing techniques and prowess in the water. You can't have a surf style without actually surfing. If you want a legitimate surf style, you're going to have to get wet. Scope out any areas near you where surfers hang out. Rent a board, take a lesson, ask questions, and develop your skill. This is something that won't be easy at first and will take a great deal of practice, but the benefits are pretty extraordinary. There's no feeling like riding a wave, and you'll soon learn that. As your skill improves, so will your style in the water. Eventually, you'll want people to be able to recognize you in the water based solely on your surfing.

Perfect Your Technique

While your surfing style in the water is something that can only be developed through your own conscience, technique is something that can be learned and imitated. Developing a style akin to your own personality is the easy part; mastering a strict surfing technique is more difficult. This will require deep levels of analyzation of both your own surfing and the surfing of others. Watching video footage of yourself is a good way to accomplish this. Look at how your body is moving and reacting to the waves and build upon that. To prefect your technique, you are going to want to look at your maneuvering, parts of the wave you take advantage of, your fluidity of movements and maneuvers, your loss and gain of momentum, and your overall energy.

Live the Lifestyle

Although your overall surf style is largely held in your actual surfing, it's true that there is a certain lifestyle that comes along with the sport. Here, clothes do make the man: stylish board-shorts and tank tops for your down time, and a comfortable and efficient bathing suit/wetsuit for your time in the water. Of course, you can't forget a good pair of sunglasses to protect your precious eyes from all of the sun they will be exposed to in your surfing endeavors.
To really acclimatize yourself to the surfing culture, you'll want to surround yourself with music that is commonly associated with surfing. Your first stop will be the Beach Boys, but from there, the options are infinite for your playlist. For a modern take on surfing music, take a listen to Vacationer, Real Estate, and Tame Impala.

Get Involved and Informed

No decent surfer can be oblivious to the world of surfing. Brush up on who is currently at the top of their game in the surfing industry (notable name include Taj Burrow, Joel Parkinson, Damien Hobgood, and Tyler Wright). Stay up to date on any contest that is coming up in your area as this is a great way to get your name out there as a surfer. If you don't feel your ready to compete, just go and hang out at surfing contests. Talk to the people who are competing. This is a great way to boost your confidence, and get involved with the community.

Get Active

Although professional surfers may make the sport appear easy and effortless, surfing is an incredibly rigorous and intense workout. If you want to master your surfing style you're going to have to be in good shape. This doesn't mean you have to rush out and buy a gym membership, but you should be implementing elements of exercise and activity into your everyday life. This could mean going for a walk, or doing some cardio. You should be especially conscious of your physical exercise regimen in the times when you are unable to surf in an effort to keep yourself in great shape for when the season resumes.

As you can now see, there are a plethora of aspects that are involved in creating and maintaining a well-rounded and respected surfing style. It certainly requires a lot more than going to your local mall and buying a T-shirt with a surfing company's logo branded across it. Get out to the beach and take a ride on some waves. Surfing isn't something you can prefect instantaneously, but if you put in enough effort, energy, and practice there's no reason why you can't excel. Try something new, and in return, gain your very own personal surfing style.
