
How many times have I been asked, Where is the best place to buy a used surfboard? Certainly buying a used surfboard from your friend would be a good place to start. Buying your friends surfboard that works for him might not always be your best bet if you are not close to his same weight, height and ability. I have purchased sticks from my friends that I thought I would really rip on. Just to find out that the board was not suited for my ability. I also check at the local surf shops and try to find the type of used boards that I feel would best suit me.

Because you cant try the boards. it can be sort of hard to just go in there and pick a board off of the rack that does what you want it to do. So this is what I have done for quite a few years. If I am not quite sure what type of surfboard I am looking for I study the sticks that are being used at the surf-break that I intend to use my surfboard at. I take careful note as to the type of conditions that I will normally be surfing. This will make a lot of difference as to the type of equipment that you will require.

Also take a look at the type of people that are surfing on what type of surfboards. Normally you wont see a 200 pound male surfing on a 5 foot surfboard. If you do he may be quite exceptional of a surfer. You look for someone that you think is kind of your shape and size. Possibility close to your ability also. Maybe even talk to the person and ask about how they like the surfboard. Now once you have a good idea about the type of surfboard you are wanting, you can buy it from almost anywhere. I have purchased several surfboards online and have always gotten good deals. In fact one of the best sticks I have ever had was bought online. I believe that I even saved some money from buying it online. Of course you will always want to be very diligent when buying any surfboard new or used, find out who surfed on it, where it was used.
 Find out how much it was used, how many repairs it has etc. If you are thinking of buying a new or used surfboard you can take a look at my website and you will see all kinds of great deals on surfboards, surfboard equipment, wet suits and almost anything you need for your surfing pleasure.

If you are interested in looking at different designs and shapes of surfboards visit
