
We’ve all seen the movie North Shore. Chances are very good that you’ve quoted it at least once in your surfing life, and you probably quoted Turtle. Were you wondering what Turtle is up to these days? 
If you haven’t seen it, the premise isn’t really all that believable: Arizona wave pool surfer learns to surf in a wave tank. Wave tank surfer takes prize money from wave tank surf contest and goes to Hawaii to “surf the big waves of the North Shore.” Wave tank surfer spends three months (or so) learning to surf Pipe, Waimea, etc. Wave tank surfer–after a brief struggle with soul/contest surfing–becomes well-respected Pipe charger and wins the hearts of everyone except Laird Hamilton. In three months (or so)!
Mo Rahma is a surfer from the United Arab Emirates, and, like Rick Kane, he learned to surf in a wave tank. After years of playing football and rugby, he ended up with a horrible leg injury that took him out of commission. Doctors told him that he’d never play either sport again, and it might be years before he could even walk again. Then he met a surgeon from the US who introduced him to a method of physio that involved water and a wave tank. From there, Mo’s interest in surfing took off. Unfortunately, though, Mo lived in Dubai, which isn’t exactly surrounded by great waves. Mo surfed the Wadi Wavepool a few times a week, learned the motions, and dreamt big. Like, real big. See the Rick Kane connection? Substitute Hawaii Ireland and Pipeline with Mullaghmore, and you’ve got a doppelganger.
A few days ago, Mo found himself whipping into a giant, cold monster at Mullaghmore, and things… well, things didn’t end well.
