
Nobody's 2017 is off to a better start than Al Roker's, who just couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the surfing dogs in this year's Rose Parade.
"Oh that's fantastic!" cried out Roker as his voice went to a higher register, watching a bulldog and a dachshund ride a surfboard on the Lucy Pet's Gnarly Crankin' K-9 Wavemaker Float. "Yes! YesYES!" Oh dear.
The 125-foot long mobile wave machine was not just a prizewinner at this year's parade—winning the Extraordinaire Trophy for the most spectacular float—but also a world record-breaker. On Friday, it was certified by Guinness as the heaviest float in Rose Parade history.
"It weighs over 74 tons, easily breaking the past record and will probably hold it for sometime to come," said Kim Partrick, Guinness World Record adjudicator. The CHP officially weighed it in at 148,250 pounds. We're sure the 90-foot, 8,000-gallon tank played a big part in that.
The Lucy Pet Foundation is a local nonprofit aims to reduce pet overpopulation with spaying and neutering as well as adoptions.
Aside from the wave pool, the float featured a tropical ocean theme (yes, the water was heated), a mini-cable car system that transported the dogs from one end to another, and at least one pooch wearing sunglasses. Check out more videos of the surfing dogs in action:
