
A few years ago, I jumped in a van and drove from Canada’s Vancouver Island (not Vancouver, people) to Southern California. It was fun. I got sick of living in a van, however, and really, REALLY didn’t want to live in Los Angeles. Instead, I lucked out and found myself building a little house up in the mountains about an hour north. It’s quiet. There are coyotes at night and no never-ending roar of traffic. I love it. The process of building has been a good one–although I’d made furniture, done some plumbing and a bit of electrical work, I hadn’t ever built anything as involved as a house. Anyway, it’s working. It hasn’t fallen over just yet, we finally have hot water and a shower that’s not on a tree, and not to toot my own horn, but I’ve made something that I’m very, very proud of. Building is good for the soul. Here’s a picture of it, because I want to show it off.
Look what I have created!
Look what I have created! There’s a long way to go, but you get the idea.
Jay Nelson is a builder–a good one. And he landed what might be the best job in the world for someone that likes to make things: he was commissioned to build a surf shack in Hawaii. The one he made is way better than mine. No more explanation is necessary. Just watch the video, and read an interview with the people who live there on
