
Volkswagen vans and San Onofre go together like chips and guac. For decades, these two cultures have existed side-by-side, both having an equally important role in creating a very particular breed of salty ocean lover with a penchant for warm weather, waves, and rolling around in style—you know the one. Southern California’s Rich Kimball is seeing to it that this truly unique experience and very special time in surf history live on forever.
Back in 2003, Rich and a few friends had the genius idea to create a day when everyone would meet up and drive their Volkswagens down to San Onofre to hang out and surf. It wasn’t until a few years ago that the meet-up naturally turned into a car show and surf contest: the Wednesday Skip Work and Surf event. At the end of the day, trophies are given out to the best car and best surfer and are hand-made by the legend himself, Rich Kimball.

Since its inception, the event has become a cult of sorts. Each year, the number of attendees increases exponentially and the demand for those sought-after stickers is even greater. But at the end of the day, the event is based around camaraderie and the simple tradition of driving down the coast and enjoying a day at the beach with family and friends. I don’t know about you, but I’m going next year.
For more information on the Skip Work and Surf event, visit
