
If you looked at Matt Wilkinson over the last few years, you wouldn’t expect him to be where he is right now. After his win at Bells, the goofy-footer sits far atop the ratings boards–like, really far. More than 10,000 points far. Which, if that was in dollars, is about half of what his Bells after-party bar tab was.
Interestingly, Conner Coffin it the nearest to him in the race for the title, and although it’s still very early in the season, it’s shaping up to be a weird one. Although it seems that this year Wilko has decided to take his surfing a little more seriously (Glenn Hall! Training!), now that he’s taken a very commanding lead, he’s still not afraid to cut loose after a win. Really loose. Nearly $5000 loose. Notables of the tab included 142 shots of vodka, 70 shots of tequila, and perhaps most disgustingly, a single shot of gin. Now, I love to drink, but shooting either vodka or gin is just plain horrible.
A photo posted by Corey Wilson (@leafmonky) on 
Wilko is a party guy. He’s known for it. He wears funny wetsuits to events, drinks a lot of beer, and doesn’t take life in general all that seriously. It’s great. Cory Wilson, a Surfing Mag staff photographer, posted the shot of the $4,782 bar tab on his Instagram (@leafmonky) with the following caption:
“Was wondering why my head hurt this morning. Boys are a bit hung today @mattwilko8 who in the fuck bought 142 shots of vodka?”
