
SurfEars has launched the 2.0 version of the popular earplug kit for cold water surfers.

Companies who listen to their clients will always deliver better products. For many surfers in their 30s,Surfer's Ear, also known as exostosis, is a serious problem that might quickly result in a complicated surgery.
SurfEars 2.0 is an improved version of their inaugural model. One of the updates was the introduction of an earplug leash. Because duck dives can be intense, and because wipeouts in heavy waters can be quite frequent.
Additionally, the team behind SurfEars increased the area of the sound channel (72 percent), and surface area of the acoustic mesh (32 percent). You'll definitely hear better and won't lose your balance.
SurfEars 2.0 is very comfortable to wear. They completely fit your ear system; water and cold will be kept outside. The earplug kit comes with two sizes of wings (small and medium), three sizes of buds (small, medium, and large), and a very useful leash. All wrapped in a smart portable case.
After using the new SurfEars, you should always wash them with fresh water and store them in a dry environment, away from sunlight and humidity.
SurfEars 2.0: Tom Carroll is the ambassador for the brand | Photo: SurfEars
