
Whether you're young or old, novice or veteran surfer, sooner or later you'll feel that pain on your lower back. Paddle Pillow promises to give you more water time.

It's a very simple idea, and sometimes it's just all you need. All surfers have felt it. When we're surfing too much, it hurts. The Paddle Pillow was invented to ease pressure on your back.

"Despite exercises and stretching routines, one of the most common complaints among surfers is the back pain. That's why I felt I ought to try and make the difference, not just in my life but in others too," explains David Collins, the creator of Paddle Pillow.

"What Paddle Pillow does is to provide a discrete waterproof cushion at chest level, supporting your arch back and reducing strain on the region. It also makes lining with your board more comfortable."
Paddle Pillow is a small waterproof air pocket. Just insert it into your wetsuit and it will provide you with support at chest level, leaving more energy to paddle. You always reuse it but, more importantly, Paddle Pillow will allow you to surf more.

Pain problems are only a matter of time. By buying Paddle Pillow, you will be supporting worldwide charities and causes aimed at helping surfers - young and old - suffering from spinal injuries, like the Life Rolls On Foundation.
