
Cristóbal de Col has established a new Guinness World Record for the most number of tricks ever performed in a single wave. The Peruvian completed 34 carved turns on the longest wave in the world, at the Red Bull Chicama Challenge.

Cristóbal de Col pushed through fatigue, mental pressure and a jellyfish plague to set a brand new world record by performing 34 cut-backs on this legendary wave located in Peru.

"All the while I was counting and my mind was only focused on that moment. When I reached 25, I really started to give it my all. I chose to do carved turns because it’s the maneuver that fits best to this type of inconsistent wave", explained Cristóbal de Col.

Chicama, in the north of Peru is known as the longest left-hand wave in the world. You can surf up to 2,5 kilometres, non-stop. The ride led the surfer to exhaustion, but he was extremely happy for the achievement.

Col surfed the long wave for two minutes and 20 seconds. Initially, he wanted to perform three 360's, but he changed his mind because carved turns fit better in this type of wave.
