
Craving a surf trip? Here are five very fine bets for the Southern Hemisphere winter.

In 1966, filmmaker Bruce Brown made a movie called Endless Summer. The film introduced the concept of surf travel to a mainstream audience, and its popularity raged like a California wildfire through dry, sunburnt brush. Mostly, the Endless Summer was met with either fascination or
 confusion – people actually go to these faraway places just to ride waves? Wild! The movie's iconic artwork seeped into t-shirts and posters that inspired hundreds of thousands of people to pretend that they understand surfing. It was truly adorable.

Now, we'll tip our caps to Bruce for making what he made. But, we'll tip that hat with one small piece of criticism – the name was off. Virtually every surf destination in the world is better in the winter. So, as the seasons turn and the Southern Hemisphere prepares to feel winter's cold embrace, we present you with five locales to score waves in the next few months. No matter which part of the world you call home, we hope your winter never ends.

South Africa

The country that produced Jordy Smith should be on every surfer's bucket list – it is a truly unique surf destination. It's unique because you can surf J-Bay and see a cheetah in the same day. While the temperature begins to drop, the Indian Ocean swell activity is beginning to heat up in SA and wouldn't you like to be a part of that?

Morning at The Box, Western Australia
Anticipation, featuring Julian Wilson© Ryan Miller

Western Australia

Do you like un-crowded world class waves? Backless slabs with an air section at the end? The occasional shark? If you said yes, yes and yes, then Western Australia is the place for you! It isn't the most inexpensive trip in the world, but the investment in a trip will pay off tenfold any time in the next few months.

Carlos Munoz surfing in Puerto Escondido in Mexico
Pura Vida© Brian Bielmann

Central America

This is the only Northern Hemisphere locale on our list. And it's only on here because Central America always offers something fun for everyone. If your idea of fun is head height, playful waves then go to Nicaragua. If your idea of fun is a barrel big enough to comfortably drive an Soviet tank through, then consider Puerto Escondido in Mexico. It's all a matter of preference, really.


The world might favor the regular-footed surfer, but Northern Peru didn't get that memo. This place is home to some of the world's best lefts, and they're just beginning to light up. Go anytime before September and if you're surfing Chicama, be sure to pack your strongest legs.

Carissa Moore riding a wave on the Indonesian island of Bali
Carissa Hides From The Balinese Sun© Ryan Miller


It is damn near impossible to have a bad time in Bali. Life is just too easy there. Things are cheap and waves are plentiful. You can get a custom tuxedo made for practically nothing too. What's not to love? Just be wise when picking where to stay and surf, because a place this perfect draws quite the crowd.
